What's more exciting than launching a new magazine? Re-launching that magazine as a book series! Seriously, we are so excited for everyone to see this new incarnation of It Came From Hollywood it is killing us. Here is the complete contents for It Came From Hollywood Book 1. (This is the final contents for ICFH Book 1, if you wanted to know how it differed from the first ICFH magazine.)
The Show Starts in 5 Minutes: Introduction by Paul and Rob!
Movies I Like: George Seminara shares his thoughts on 1942's Cat People!
Made in Hollywood, U.S.A.: Rob Freese looks at Ray Dennis Steckler's The Lemon Grove Kids!
52 Pick-Up: Paul Talbot discusses the production of John Frankenheimer's 1986 crime thriller!
Split/Vision: NOTLD '68 vs NOTLD '90 by Tim Ferrante and Scott Voisin!
The Cinema of Dardano Sacchetti: Part One of ICFH's chat with the legendary screenwriter!
The Films of Dardano Sacchetti: Part Two looks at specific titles from the influential scribe!
Hollywood Book Shelf: A.I.P.- The Golden Years, Day of the Living Me and more!
Hollywood Docs A.D.: 1980's Hollywood: A Celebration of the American Silent Film Unearthed!
Uncle Dan's Video Den: Our favorite uncle shares what he's been watching in the Video Den!
VHS Spotlight: It shines on the 1980 monster movie Blood Beach!
Al Adamson: The Masterpiece Collection: Uncle Dan is in Blu-ray nirvana!
Remembering Joe Kane, The Phantom of the Movies: Rob remembers his friend and mentor!
An Original Soundtrack Column: Tim Ferrante shares some choice album picks!
Frogs Pressbook Reprint: This is where artwork for newspaper ads come from!
The Booth: Stories of a Film Projectionist: Tim and Rodney Dangerfield!
The 1980's Loves Prostitutes: Wistful Thoughts on a More Innocent Time: George speaks!
Beyond The Screen: Paul takes us back to General Cinemas, circa 1976!
Preposterous Pom-Pom Pussycats: Bill's cavalcade of cheerleader movies!
Recollections of a Film Distribution Veteran: Paul talks with Jeff Williams about AIP and more!
Cannon Trade Ad Avalanche: Here comes Cannon Films!
